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Ad Management Mod V2.3 Released

Started by jerm, January 12, 2007, 12:23:24 PM

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I am pleased to announce a new version of the Ad Management mod. It contains various bug fixes as well as some new settings and ad locations. Here is a list of new features that has been added in this version:
- New setting to allow admins to disable ads if they are admins
- New setting to disable ads on a global scale
- New setting to disable ad reports
- New setting to make ads within posts either look like actual posts or not
- You can now display ads after the last post.
- You can now display ads in-between categories
- You can now display ads under child boards.
- A few security fixes

Although I know I have excluded some requests, I do believe I have added a number of features to help you display your ads better. Language files will have to be updated as I have included a number of new strings. Anybody willing to translate them can grab Ads.english.php and translate the file into your language. You should take the previous file that way you won't have to translate all the strings. If you have translated the mod into your language and it is not in the language board, please give me the file and I will put it in there. The new version can be downloaded from the mod site on SMF.

Also, I have done something different this time. This is a test project to see how the community reacts to it. This time around I have added a custom theme mod. What this will do, is install the required edits on a custom theme. You will still need to install the original ad mod though. At the moment, the only custom theme mod I have created is for the Helios Multicolor. However, there is a cost for this added mod. It will cost you 5$ to purchase this add-on mod. If you would like me to create more add-on mods for your other custom themes, please contact me and let me know which theme you would like. Note, that these add-on mods don't include anything extra; they only edit the template files of your custom theme. To purchase these add-on themes you need to go into your profile, and then click on the paid subscriptions link.

Thank you again for being a value member on Feel free to visit from time to time. A special thanks goes out to bigguy who has helped a lot with this project. If you feel like you'd want to donate to the project, please visit my site and click on the donate button.

The SMF Ads Support Forum Team.


Outstanding! So are you saying that this $5 mod you created will install the required code in any custom theme or is it $5 to have you do the mod for a required theme? I have two custom themes that I use and have your ad mod running on both. I actually paid someone to do the required theme edits for me so the mod would work. I'd like to install the new version of the ad mod you just released and get it working with my two themes.


Are there any changes to the database, I will have to install in on a dummy site then upload the site to my production site since I can not uninstall the old one


I have the same question as the two above.  Where can I download the latest mod and what are the instruction for upgrading?
Thanks for all of your hard work.


SMF site has it, I have it installed, I have to edit Display.template myself for to work, it does not like one of my other mods

When I edit the Display.templare file, the first thing it says to do is this
<search position="before"><![CDATA[global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings;]]></search>

//Display ads on the thread page
if (function_exists("show_threadAds"))
$ads = show_threadAds();
echo $ads['content'];

Am I correct with this
function template_main()
//Display ads on the thread page
if (function_exists("show_threadAds"))
$ads = show_threadAds();
echo $ads['content'];
global $context, $settings, $options, $txt, $scripturl, $sourcedir, $modSettings;


// Show the anchor for the top and for the first message. If the first message is new, say so.



Did you uninstall the old version first and then install the latest one? Does this affect database?? because I want to keep the advertising configuration.



@ Tony: If you had a profile here you could buy it from there with the paid subscriptions links.

@ marinelife: Yes that is correct.


Quote from: dklassen on January 12, 2007, 12:54:28 PM
Outstanding! So are you saying that this $5 mod you created will install the required code in any custom theme or is it $5 to have you do the mod for a required theme? I have two custom themes that I use and have your ad mod running on both. I actually paid someone to do the required theme edits for me so the mod would work. I'd like to install the new version of the ad mod you just released and get it working with my two themes.

I had no idea if people would be willing to pay for the custom edits mod so i've only created one at the moment. It will only install on the Helious Multicolor theme at the moment. If this is something you are interseted in purchasing, let me know the other themes you want me to create other addon mods for.
At the moment, its 5$ per custom theme. I could however change that and make a bundle to purchase more than one.

Quote from: marinelife on January 12, 2007, 01:03:24 PM
Are there any changes to the database, I will have to install in on a dummy site then upload the site to my production site since I can not uninstall the old one
Yes, there are changes to the database. Installing on a dummy forum is always suggested for testing purposes.

Quote from: danw on January 12, 2007, 01:06:14 PM
I have the same question as the two above.  Where can I download the latest mod and what are the instruction for upgrading?
Thanks for all of your hard work.
You can download the mod from the SMF site:
Instructions: Uninstall the previous version, and reinstall this new version.
Theme edits can be found in the theme board.

Quote from: tony on January 12, 2007, 12:56:56 PM
but where to buy/download this awesome module??  :'( :'(
You need to register tony. Once you register, you can go into your profile and click on paid subscriptions. In there , there is a link to buy the custom theme mod.


Hi jerm,
QuoteUninstall the previous version, and reinstall this new version.
I wanted to uninstall the old version but it doesn't work because of an error in ./Sources/Subs.php .
Can you help me?

So far, I have translated important strings of your file into german, provisionally ;)


global $helptxt;

//Ad Managment Admin Strings
$txt['ad_management'] = 'Anzeigenverwaltung';
$txt['ad_management_disc'] = 'Willkommen zur Anzeigenverwaltung.';
$txt['ad_management_main'] = 'Anzeigen bearbeiten';
$txt['ad_management_add'] = 'Anzeigen hinzufügen';
$txt['ad_management_reports'] = 'Berichte';
$txt['ad_management_settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
$txt['ad_management_credits'] = 'Credits';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_name'] = 'Name';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_content'] = 'Inhalt';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_modify'] = 'Modifizieren';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_boards'] = 'In welchem Board soll diese Anzeige erscheinen';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_posts'] = 'Anzeige in den Beiträgen einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_category'] = 'Anzeige in Kategorien einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_type'] = 'Typ';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_type_html'] = 'HTML';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_type_php'] = 'PHP';
$txt['ad_manage_save'] = 'Speichern';
$txt['ad_manage_delete'] = 'Löschen';
$txt['ad_manage_add'] = 'Hinzufügen';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_index'] = 'Anzeige in jedem Beitrag direkt unter dem Menü einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_board'] = 'Anzeige im Boardinex einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_threadindex'] = 'Anzeige im Beitragsindex einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_thread'] = 'Anzeige auf der -Beitrag senden Seite- einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_lastpost'] = 'Anzeige nach dem letzten Beitrag einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_bottom'] = 'Anzeige am Ende der Seite einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_welcome'] = 'Werbung im Benutzerbereich';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_topofpage'] = 'Werbung am Beginn jeder Seite einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_towerright'] = 'Anzeigen auf jeder Seite rechts einblenden (Skyscraper)';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_towerleft'] = 'Anzeigen auf jeder Seite links einbelnden (Skyscraper)';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_underchildren'] = 'Anzeigen unter untergeordneten Boards einblenden';

//Help Strings
$helptxt['ad_manage_help'] = 'Hilfe Seiten';
$helptxt['ad_manage_name'] = 'Dies ist der Name für Deine Werbung. Er soll zur Identifizierung Deiner Anzeigen dienen.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_content'] = 'Dieser Bereich ist für Deinen Ad-Code. Den Code bekommst Du von Deinem Werbeanbieter.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_type'] = 'Zwei Arten von Code sind erlaubt, entweder html(javascript) oder PHP. Wähle den entsprechenden Code.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_boards'] = 'Dieses Eingabefeld ist für Deine boardspezifischen Anzeigen. Gebe 1 ein, um die Anzeige in Board 1 erscheinen zu lassen.
Gebe 2 ein, um die Anzeige in Board 2 erscheinen zu lassen. Gebe 1,2 ein, um die Anzeige auf beiden Boards erscheinen zu lassen (Boards mit Komma trennen).
Lasse dieses Eingabefeld leer, um die Anzeige auf allen Boards erscheinen zu lassen.'
$helptxt['ad_manage_posts'] = 'Dieses Eingabefeld ist für Anzeigen zwischen den Beiträgen. Gebe 1 ein, um die Werbung nach dem ersten Beitrag erscheinen zu lassen.
Gebe 2 ein, um die Werbung nach dem zweiten Beitrag erscheinen zu lassen.
Gebe 1,2 ein, um die Werbung nach dem ersten und zweiten Beitrag erscheinen zu lassen (mit Komma trennen).
Lasse das Eingabefeld leer, um KEINE Werbung zwischen dem Beiträgen anzuzeigen.'
$helptxt['ad_manage_category'] = 'Dieses Eingabefeld ist für kategorienabhängige Werbeeinblendungen.
Gebe 2 ein, um die Werbung nach der zweiten Kategorie einzublenden. Um die Werbung zwischen Kategorie 1 und zwei einzublenden, gebe 1,2 ein (mit Komma trennen).
Lasse das Feld leer, um keine Werbung zwischen den Kategorien einzublenden.'
$helptxt['ad_manage_index'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite des Forums unter dem Menü einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_board'] = 'Werbung unter dem Menü nur auf der Startseite einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_threadindex'] = 'Werbung auf dem Beitragsindex (NICHT auf den Beitragsseiten) unter dem Menü einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_thread'] = 'Werbung auf den Beitragsseiten unter dem Menü einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_lastpost'] = 'Werbung unter dem letzten Beitrag einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_topofpage'] = 'Werbung oben auf jeder Seite des Forums einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_welcome'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite im Willkommensbereich einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_bottom'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite unten einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_towerleft'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite links einblenden (Skyscraper).';
$helptxt['ad_manage_towerright'] = 'Werbung auf jederSeite rechts einblenden (Skyscraper).';
$helptxt['ad_manage_underchildren'] = 'Werbung nach untergeordneten Boards einblenden.';
$txt['119'] = 'Hilfe';
$txt['1006'] = 'Schliessen';

//Extra $txt's for Reports
$txt['ad_manage_admin_hits'] = 'Hits';
$txt['ad_manage_ad_position'] = 'Platzierung der Anzeigen';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_boards'] = 'Boards';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_posts'] = 'Posts';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_category'] = 'Nach Kategorien';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_boards_all'] = 'Alle';
$txt['ad_manage_show_index'] = 'Unter dem Menü';
$txt['ad_manage_show_board'] = 'Boardindex';
$txt['ad_manage_show_threadindex'] = 'Beitragsindex';
$txt['ad_manage_show_thread'] = 'Post';
$txt['ad_manage_show_lastpost'] = 'Letzter Beitrag';
$txt['ad_manage_show_bottom'] = 'Unten';
$txt['ad_manage_show_welcome'] = 'Willkommensbereich';
$txt['ad_manage_show_topofpage'] = 'Anfang der Seite';
$txt['ad_manage_show_towerright'] = 'Skyscraper rechts';
$txt['ad_manage_show_towerleft'] = 'Skyscraper links';
$txt['ad_manage_show_underchildren'] = 'Unter untergeordneten Boards';

//Settings Page
$txt['ad_manage_displayAdsAdmin'] = 'Anzeigen füre Admins ausblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_updateReports'] = 'Berichte deaktivieren';
$txt['ad_manage_quickDisable'] = 'Alle Anzeigen deaktivieren';
$txt['ad_manage_lookLikePosts'] = 'Werbung an Beitragserscheinungsbild anpassen';

//Credit Page
$txt['ad_manage_show_credits'] = '
<p>Danke für die Installation meiner Anzeigenverwaltung. Es wurde viel harte Arbeit in die Programmierung des Mods gesteckt,
und ich hoffe, dass er auf Deinem Board sauber funktioniert.</p>
Für weitergehenden Support
kannst Du im zugehörigen Topic eine Nachricht posten,
oder besuche einfach <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
This mod is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it as long 
as you credit me for the original mod. This mod is distributed in the hope  
that it is and will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES; without even any 
All SMF copyrights are still in effect. Anything not mine is theirs. Enjoy!

Spende doch ein paar Einnahmen aus Deinen Werbeeinblendungen, um mitzuhelfen diesen Mod zu verbessern ;).
<br />
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it\'s fast, free and secure!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<br />
<h3>Special Credit</h3>
<b>Mod Testing</b>: bigguy<br />
<b>English Translation</b>: jerm (Jeremy)
You may put yourself just above me to give yourself credit for translating my mod into your language.
I ask that you keep my english translation there though.
Format: <b>Your language Translation</b>: nickname (Real name if you want)<br />

Thanks for translating!

$txt['error_ads_missing_info'] = 'Fehler: Bitte gebe einen Namen und Inhalt für diese Anzeige an!.';
$txt['error_ads_file_missing'] = 'Fehler: LoadAds.php is missing/corrupt from your sources directory. Please make sure that it uploaded properly. The Ad mod won\'t be able to function properly. If you are having issues, please visit <a href=""></a>';
$txt['error_ads_file_missing_title'] = 'Issue with the Ad Mod';
//Permission Strings
$txt['permissiongroup_ad_manage'] = 'Anzeigenverwaltung';
$txt['permissionname_ad_manageperm'] = 'Anzeigen aktivieren';
$txt['permissionhelp_ad_manageperm'] = 'Anzeigen für diese Benutzergruppe aktivieren';

//Copyright - Do not change
$txt['ads_copyright'] = '<br /><div align="center"><a href="">smfads v2.3 © jerm</a></div>';



Subs.php isn't that hard to edit.
So you can uninstall anyways, and apply the edits.
Look for these lines and remove:
'edit_addmod' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admod">' . $txt['ad_management'] . '</a>',

And is that all the strings translated?


When I removed mine I had to edit a few files, then when I installed the new one I only have to edit one. All is working great, I just wish there was a standard for mods so they could be uninstalled and installed together easier. With way this is a great mod and I am glad to see it getting updates and improvements


Mh. I just uninstalled it and installed the new version.

That must be all strings now, but, I added the restriction of warranty  from the old version, and I'm not realy sure about
Quote$txt['error_ads_file_missing_title'] = 'Issue with the Ad Mod';
Maybe there are some errors, if I find them I will edit the post, or maybe anyone has a better translation  ???


global $helptxt;

//Ad Managment Admin Strings
$txt['ad_management'] = 'Anzeigenverwaltung';
$txt['ad_management_disc'] = 'Willkommen zur Anzeigenverwaltung.';
$txt['ad_management_main'] = 'Anzeigen bearbeiten';
$txt['ad_management_add'] = 'Anzeigen hinzufügen';
$txt['ad_management_reports'] = 'Berichte';
$txt['ad_management_settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
$txt['ad_management_credits'] = 'Credits';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_name'] = 'Name';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_content'] = 'Inhalt';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_modify'] = 'Modifizieren';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_boards'] = 'In welchem Board soll diese Anzeige erscheinen';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_posts'] = 'Anzeige in den Beiträgen einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_category'] = 'Anzeige in Kategorien einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_type'] = 'Typ';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_type_html'] = 'HTML';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_type_php'] = 'PHP';
$txt['ad_manage_save'] = 'Speichern';
$txt['ad_manage_delete'] = 'Löschen';
$txt['ad_manage_add'] = 'Hinzufügen';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_index'] = 'Anzeige in jedem Beitrag direkt unter dem Menü einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_board'] = 'Anzeige im Boardinex einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_threadindex'] = 'Anzeige im Beitragsindex einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_thread'] = 'Anzeige auf der -Beitrag senden Seite- einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_lastpost'] = 'Anzeige nach dem letzten Beitrag einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_bottom'] = 'Anzeige am Ende der Seite einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_welcome'] = 'Werbung im Benutzerbereich';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_topofpage'] = 'Werbung am Beginn jeder Seite einblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_towerright'] = 'Anzeigen auf jeder Seite rechts einblenden (Skyscraper)';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_towerleft'] = 'Anzeigen auf jeder Seite links einbelnden (Skyscraper)';
$txt['ad_manage_admin_show_underchildren'] = 'Anzeigen unter untergeordneten Boards einblenden';

//Help Strings
$helptxt['ad_manage_help'] = 'Hilfe Seiten';
$helptxt['ad_manage_name'] = 'Dies ist der Name für Deine Werbung. Er soll zur Identifizierung Deiner Anzeigen dienen.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_content'] = 'Dieser Bereich ist für Deinen Ad-Code. Den Code bekommst Du von Deinem Werbeanbieter.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_type'] = 'Zwei Arten von Code sind erlaubt, entweder html(javascript) oder PHP. Wähle den entsprechenden Code.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_boards'] = 'Dieses Eingabefeld ist für Deine boardspezifischen Anzeigen. Gebe 1 ein, um die Anzeige in Board 1 erscheinen zu lassen.
Gebe 2 ein, um die Anzeige in Board 2 erscheinen zu lassen. Gebe 1,2 ein, um die Anzeige auf beiden Boards erscheinen zu lassen (Boards mit Komma trennen).
Lasse dieses Eingabefeld leer, um die Anzeige auf allen Boards erscheinen zu lassen.'
$helptxt['ad_manage_posts'] = 'Dieses Eingabefeld ist für Anzeigen zwischen den Beiträgen. Gebe 1 ein, um die Werbung nach dem ersten Beitrag erscheinen zu lassen.
Gebe 2 ein, um die Werbung nach dem zweiten Beitrag erscheinen zu lassen.
Gebe 1,2 ein, um die Werbung nach dem ersten und zweiten Beitrag erscheinen zu lassen (mit Komma trennen).
Lasse das Eingabefeld leer, um KEINE Werbung zwischen dem Beiträgen anzuzeigen.'
$helptxt['ad_manage_category'] = 'Dieses Eingabefeld ist für kategorienabhängige Werbeeinblendungen.
Gebe 2 ein, um die Werbung nach der zweiten Kategorie einzublenden. Um die Werbung zwischen Kategorie 1 und zwei einzublenden, gebe 1,2 ein (mit Komma trennen).
Lasse das Feld leer, um keine Werbung zwischen den Kategorien einzublenden.'
$helptxt['ad_manage_index'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite des Forums unter dem Menü einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_board'] = 'Werbung unter dem Menü nur auf der Startseite einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_threadindex'] = 'Werbung auf dem Beitragsindex (NICHT auf den Beitragsseiten) unter dem Menü einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_thread'] = 'Werbung auf den Beitragsseiten unter dem Menü einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_lastpost'] = 'Werbung unter dem letzten Beitrag einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_topofpage'] = 'Werbung oben auf jeder Seite des Forums einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_welcome'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite im Willkommensbereich einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_bottom'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite unten einblenden.';
$helptxt['ad_manage_towerleft'] = 'Werbung auf jeder Seite links einblenden (Skyscraper).';
$helptxt['ad_manage_towerright'] = 'Werbung auf jederSeite rechts einblenden (Skyscraper).';
$helptxt['ad_manage_underchildren'] = 'Werbung nach untergeordneten Boards einblenden.';
$txt['119'] = 'Hilfe';
$txt['1006'] = 'Schliessen';

//Extra $txt's for Reports
$txt['ad_manage_admin_hits'] = 'Hits';
$txt['ad_manage_ad_position'] = 'Platzierung der Anzeigen';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_boards'] = 'Boards';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_posts'] = 'Posts';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_category'] = 'Nach Kategorien';
$txt['ad_manage_adminreports_boards_all'] = 'Alle';
$txt['ad_manage_show_index'] = 'Unter dem Menü';
$txt['ad_manage_show_board'] = 'Boardindex';
$txt['ad_manage_show_threadindex'] = 'Beitragsindex';
$txt['ad_manage_show_thread'] = 'Post';
$txt['ad_manage_show_lastpost'] = 'Letzter Beitrag';
$txt['ad_manage_show_bottom'] = 'Unten';
$txt['ad_manage_show_welcome'] = 'Willkommensbereich';
$txt['ad_manage_show_topofpage'] = 'Anfang der Seite';
$txt['ad_manage_show_towerright'] = 'Skyscraper rechts';
$txt['ad_manage_show_towerleft'] = 'Skyscraper links';
$txt['ad_manage_show_underchildren'] = 'Unter untergeordneten Boards';

//Settings Page
$txt['ad_manage_displayAdsAdmin'] = 'Anzeigen füre Admins ausblenden';
$txt['ad_manage_updateReports'] = 'Berichte deaktivieren';
$txt['ad_manage_quickDisable'] = 'Alle Anzeigen deaktivieren';
$txt['ad_manage_lookLikePosts'] = 'Werbung an Beitragserscheinungsbild anpassen';

//Credit Page
$txt['ad_manage_show_credits'] = '
<p>Danke für die Installation meiner Anzeigenverwaltung. Es wurde viel harte Arbeit in die Programmierung des Mods gesteckt,
und ich hoffe, dass er auf Deinem Board sauber funktioniert.</p>
Für weitergehenden Support
kannst Du im zugehörigen Topic eine Nachricht posten,
oder besuche einfach <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
Dieses Modul ist freie Software du kannst es weitergeben und/oder verändern solange 
du mich als Entwickler des orginal Moduls erwähnst.
Dieses Modul wurde Veröffentlicht in der Hoffnung das es hilfreich für dich ist.

Alle SMF Copyrights bleiben erhalten. Alles was nicht von mir ist ist von Ihnen. 

Spende doch ein paar Einnahmen aus Deinen Werbeeinblendungen, um mitzuhelfen diesen Mod zu verbessern ;).
<br />
<form action="" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make payments with PayPal - it\'s fast, free and secure!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">
<br />
<h3>Special Credit</h3>
<b>Mod Testing</b>: bigguy<br />
<b>English Translation</b>: jerm (Jeremy)<br />
<b>German Translation</b>: startforum<br />
You may put yourself just above me to give yourself credit for translating my mod into your language.
I ask that you keep my english translation there though.
Format: <b>Your language Translation</b>: nickname (Real name if you want)<br />

Thanks for translating!


$txt['error_ads_missing_info'] = 'Fehler: Bitte gebe einen Namen und Inhalt für diese Anzeige an!.';
$txt['error_ads_file_missing'] = 'Fehler: Datei LoadAds.php fehlt oder ist defekt (sources Verzeichnis). Bitte stelle sicher, dass sie richtig hochgeladen wurde. Der Ad Mod wird nicht richtig funktionieren. If you are having issues, please visit <a href=""></a>';
$txt['error_ads_file_missing_title'] = 'Issue with the Ad Mod';
//Permission Strings
$txt['permissiongroup_ad_manage'] = 'Anzeigenverwaltung';
$txt['permissionname_ad_manageperm'] = 'Anzeigen aktivieren';
$txt['permissionhelp_ad_manageperm'] = 'Anzeigen für diese Benutzergruppe aktivieren';

//Copyright - Do not change
$txt['ads_copyright'] = '<br /><div align="center"><a href="">smfads v2.3 © jerm</a></div>';


Greetings & Thank you for this great mod!

there is a small mistake, if you click on $helptxt['ad_manage_category'] if you add a new add you see ad_manage_cateogry  ;)


I have modified your post to include code tags instead of quotes.
the $txt['error_ads_file_missing_title']  are used if you have errors with the mod. they wont appear if everything installs fine.

and about that error.. its confirm, i'll fix it now, but no need to update.. its not a big issue.


Well, this rots.  I just uninstalled the 2.0 version of the mod, and my board won't come up at all.


Quote from: cslepage on January 12, 2007, 10:00:56 PM
Well, this rots.  I just uninstalled the 2.0 version of the mod, and my board won't come up at all.
You might need to replace your files if thats the case. guess the uninstall didn't go so well. sorry.


Quote from: cslepage on January 12, 2007, 10:00:56 PM
Well, this rots.  I just uninstalled the 2.0 version of the mod, and my board won't come up at all.

I got the same thing on one of my forums but you should get error messages. I'm not a coder so can't help much but if I was you I would post your problem under general support and see if people can help.


Quote from: jerm on January 13, 2007, 12:55:56 AM
Quote from: cslepage on January 12, 2007, 10:00:56 PM
Well, this rots.  I just uninstalled the 2.0 version of the mod, and my board won't come up at all.
You might need to replace your files if thats the case. guess the uninstall didn't go so well. sorry.

Replace what files?
Mine did the same thing.


All I have is a the background of my forum.
I replaced these files

Execute Modification   ./index.php   Test successful
2.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/Subs.php   Test successful
3.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/index.template.php   Test successful
4.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php   Test successful
5.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/Display.template.php   Test successful
6.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php   Test successful
7.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php

and it's still not working...
Please help!


Quote from: itsagoodthing on January 15, 2007, 01:39:06 PM
All I have is a the background of my forum.
I replaced these files

Execute Modification   ./index.php   Test successful
2.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/Subs.php   Test successful
3.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/index.template.php   Test successful
4.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/BoardIndex.template.php   Test successful
5.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/Display.template.php   Test successful
6.   Execute Modification   ./Themes/default/MessageIndex.template.php   Test successful
7.   Execute Modification   ./Sources/ManagePermissions.php

and it's still not working...
Please help!

Happend to me as well, dont forget to remove the ads when uninstalling!! Think that's the problem..

This works for me... Upload the LoadAds.php to your Sources dir from the download files.

Good Luck  :)


First i want to say i love this mod!! So much hard work...Really it works great with the default theme..

But i'm going really nuts over here..
Oke my english is good, but not so good.. i have read ALL the pages in the thread about the mod on smf, and i still can't seem to understand how to edit the files manually of the Helios Tp theme.

I'm sorry, this question has been asked so many times, i know but i need help on this one..

And something went wrong with uninstallig the older mod, when i add a Ad with the manager i get 3 instances of the same ad on the same spot...

btw, i really suck at codes... sry..


How do I get the files for the theme I have?

I only see helios_multi11final theme in the paid subscription area.
I have the Musiconica theme and would like you to edit the files for that.
Happy to pay you the $5.00 to do so.

sorry.... I tried to send you a PM but it's not working.



If the uninstall doesn't work, you will probably have to replace the files. Theres nothing i can do about that, its a problem with SMF.
The files you need to replace would be

Basically whatever the uninstaller failes on, you need to replace the files.

If you are getting adds multiple times per page, that means that the edits exist too many times. Look in the theme board to see what edits are done, so that you can take out the repeating ones..

I can do a script for Musiconica theme, however you will have to give me some time. School is starting to pick up now, and i have a back log of work to do. Sorry.


spanish tanslation of the mod (ad_mod_1-1-x_v2-3)

Traducción del mod (ad_mod_1-1-x_v2-3) al español. Manual y descarga



Quote from: jerm on January 16, 2007, 07:48:26 PM
I can do a script for Musiconica theme, however you will have to give me some time. School is starting to pick up now, and i have a back log of work to do. Sorry.

That would be great... I'm hoping to post this forum in a week or so.


Here is a finnish translation for 2.3 version. *file removed*

I can't send a personal message to jerm because verification is not working. I tried Fx2, Opera9 and IE7 without luck.

Please take that file and attach it here so I can delete it from my site.


Quote from: whyhavetoregister on January 18, 2007, 03:20:22 PM
Here is a finnish translation for 2.3 version.

I can't send a personal message to jerm because verification is not working. I tried Fx2, Opera9 and IE7 without luck.

Please take that file and attach it here so I can delete it from my site.

Thanks. Got it.

Quote from: Lión on January 17, 2007, 09:52:43 AM
spanish tanslation of the mod (ad_mod_1-1-x_v2-3)

Please don't put my ad mod on your site. I prefer only having it download able from site. It contains copyright code as well.


Hi, jerm admin, :'(
I downloaded ,my forum using SMF 1.1.

But i don't know what should i do next steps, sorry to bother you , i know little about PHP  , just run my small forum.

Could you spend  your precious minutes point out to me  how should do i next steps?

Many thanks. 


Thanks, Jerm, installed successfully.


Quote from: jerm on January 12, 2007, 02:09:00 PM
I had no idea if people would be willing to pay for the custom edits mod so i've only created one at the moment. It will only install on the Helious Multicolor theme at the moment. If this is something you are interseted in purchasing, let me know the other themes you want me to create other addon mods for.
At the moment, its 5$ per custom theme. I could however change that and make a bundle to purchase more than one.

Hello Jerm

I am interested in having the modifications in my custom theme for the US$5. I really had many trouble to do it so, and really have not time right now to go through all the modifications.

Please let me know how I can send you the money as my country is not listed in the paypal list. I think I could send you by

Please send me a PM with your e-mail address, as is IMPOSSIBLE to write you any PM "write the code of the image" it says, but there is not image code when I want to send u a PM!




Quote from: itsagoodthing on January 17, 2007, 10:30:05 AM
Quote from: jerm on January 16, 2007, 07:48:26 PM
I can do a script for Musiconica theme, however you will have to give me some time. School is starting to pick up now, and i have a back log of work to do. Sorry.

That would be great... I'm hoping to post this forum in a week or so.

Any word on this?


I to would like to have it added for the Theme Gold-Gray SMF 1.1.1 by Inbetwee.

Let me know how to pay.


Quote from: itsagoodthing on February 09, 2007, 11:41:23 AM
Quote from: itsagoodthing on January 17, 2007, 10:30:05 AM
Quote from: jerm on January 16, 2007, 07:48:26 PM
I can do a script for Musiconica theme, however you will have to give me some time. School is starting to pick up now, and i have a back log of work to do. Sorry.

That would be great... I'm hoping to post this forum in a week or so.

Any word on this?

To have one for Musiconica would be fantastic. I hope you have a chance to do this soon. :)


I'll pay to have one done for the Classic Theme on 1.1.2.  Just let me know what I need to do.


If you guys can post the 4 template files needed I will see what I can do to get theme modified. I am slightly busy right now so there might be a small wait. I will get to them as soon as I can though.


QuoteIf the uninstall doesn't work, you will probably have to replace the files. Theres nothing i can do about that, its a problem with SMF.
The files you need to replace would be

I currently have version 2.0 installed. When I try to uninstall it so I can upgrade to 2.3, I get "test failed" errors on index.php and Display.template.php.

So, I assume from the quote above that I can go ahead and uninstall despite these errors, but will have to reinstall the complete files of index.php & display.template.php from SMF 1.1.2 -- Is that correct?  Basically start over with the original version of these files, then install version 2.3 of SMF ads?

Thanks for this mod. It works great!


Only replace the files that it fails on. If any other mods effect those files they will also have to be redone.


Thank you! I have a couple other mods running and I'm not willing to risk messing them up so I guess I'll just stay with the version I have. Not a biggie.


Quote from: jerm on January 16, 2007, 07:48:26 PM
If the uninstall doesn't work, you will probably have to replace the files. Theres nothing i can do about that, its a problem with SMF.
The files you need to replace would be

Basically whatever the uninstaller failes on, you need to replace the files.

If you are getting adds multiple times per page, that means that the edits exist too many times. Look in the theme board to see what edits are done, so that you can take out the repeating ones..

I can do a script for Musiconica theme, however you will have to give me some time. School is starting to pick up now, and i have a back log of work to do. Sorry.

do we need to uninstall it first before we replaced those files that you mentioned?
also, on which folder should I look for the files that you mentioned? on the root of my smf or on the theme that I'm using?

I'm not a programmer, please excuse my ignorance..  :-[


Yes uninstall first then replace the files. If you have done no manual editing then those 4 files are found in the Themes/default folder.

Muhammad Asad

Hello! i tried to display ads below the menu on every page. it works for registered members but not for guests. can it be done so?


Did you have set permissions "enable ads" for guest in user in permission group section?


I'm already install Ad Management Mod but it's appear this message as below.
Please let me know what should I do?

Table 'dj48_data.smf_ads' doesn't exist
File: /www/
Line: 33

Matt J

hey, I'd be willing to pay the $5 for the mod to work on the Babylon theme, thanks!


I have installed the ad mod on my test site. Apart from it showing up twice, which I would please know how to cure, But more importantly I have created an ad with image and I cannot get the image to appear. Where does the image have to be uploaded to to make it work.
I also entered linking text to the ad which works fine, but I cannot get the images to appear.Just a blank box with a smaller box with red cross in it.
Can I centralise the ad also.

I have been reading the forum for a couple of days now and I cant seem to find the answers.   


i really need that script for musiconica theme.

i can pay you 10 dollars.

hit me back please

best regards



Hello am new here in your forum actually i have install smf 1.1.4 version but i now realize that it does it have a space for advert and i make a search from the smf website and i was brought to your site and i found what i was looking for and is that i need some one that will install AD MANAGEMENT MOD 2.3 that include Ads and some other features and pls if you can help me to install it i will be very glad, then i can now send you my login details to install for me or if you think you are busy can you brief me with your own very explanation of how you install it on your server and pls i need this urgently.


Quote from: skytech2008 on February 10, 2008, 07:32:16 PM
Hello am new here in your forum actually i have install smf 1.1.4 version but i now realize that it does it have a space for advert and i make a search from the smf website and i was brought to your site and i found what i was looking for and is that i need some one that will install AD MANAGEMENT MOD 2.3 that include Ads and some other features and pls if you can help me to install it i will be very glad, then i can now send you my login details to install for me or if you think you are busy can you brief me with your own very explanation of how you install it on your server and pls i need this urgently.

I can help you to install any mod but the ad management mod worked  well only in defult theme..


Where is the ads mod version for smf 1.1.5??



Quote from: "url=]NIBOGO in ~Ad Management Mod V2.3 Released~[/url]"]
Where is the ads mod version for smf 1.1.5 ?

Follow my signature.
Not every server allow Package Manager
to install the original mod smoothly.

Quote from: "url=]biggbigg in ~Ad Management Mod V2.3 Released~[/url]"]
Old version works fine for me

Be more grounded. May I have a look at your forum ?
Instruction on getting Help on PAY-ME (AdManagement) mod installing.
Your GRItoadMIXes


Please, I use the Neutrality Theme and will happily part with $5 in order to have Ads Management installed properly on my forum.  Thanks