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Ads are displayed only to the admin. No user can see it

Started by ganeshrnet, January 04, 2010, 05:14:18 AM

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Respected Sir,

I am trying to use your adsense in my smf rc2 forum. But I found out a serious bug the adsense is only viewable for admin!!! That is the admins Only can see the ads, When I log out of the admin account no one can see it. This problem was not there for 2.3.1 I am using the latest smf version supplied by them. Please help me to fix this mejastic problem and also the google and geegain ads i posted are displayed randomly. It is disturbing then auto drop down menu. Some options are not viewable. Please Rectify this majestic mistake in 2.3.6/ 2.3.5 ad mod

With Regards