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How to place ads inside posts

Started by ArtificialIntelligence, July 03, 2009, 02:26:14 PM

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Can someone please help. How can we place ads inside the posts???


Inside post is no option.

Between posts yes:
In "Edit ads", in mod's configuration window, click your ad and then in the place were is "Display ads within posts" put the number from the posts after the ad should appear (with comma).
If you pot 1,5,8 then your ad will appear after the 1st the 5th and the 8th post.

If you want that your ads look like ordinary posts then check the "Ads within posts look like actual posts" in "Settings" window from the Ad Management Administration.


Ofcourse ad management does not support this. You have to put ads inside posts manually whereever u want. I figured it out myself.

Sq. bracket  html sq. bracket
sq. bracket /html sq. bracket

inside post whereever u want.

if u wonna wrap text around ad use
Sq. bracket  html sq. bracket
<div style="float: right; margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px;">
adsense code
Sq. bracket  /html sq. bracket

Check this out



Thank's For sharing this Useful Information that How To Place the Order in Post you have Placed here a Proper Format Which give me an Exact Idea that how to place an Order in post,before this I Simply Place the Order in my Post ,In Future I keep this things in my Mind.